How To Grow Weed: The Organic Way

February 10, 2020by Lucky Leaf shop1

Do you love marijuana so much that you’re ready to start growing your own? Do yourself a huge favor and learn how to grow weed the organic way!  

marijuana plant stages


Some stingy growers may tell you that marijuana plants can’t tell the difference between cheaper, synthetic nutrients compared to “organic” cannabis soil and fertilizer. Some may even claim it’s a waste of money, according to High Times. However, MMJ Business Daily found that “organic” is the most critical consideration besides price when buying cannabis for the majority of medical marijuana patients in Colorado, California and Washington State.

This guide will help you understand how organic marijuana is grown and which natural nutrients are best for making organic cannabis compost, super soils and organic compost teas. With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be on well on your way to growing your own high quality, organic marijuana.

What Makes Marijuana Organic?

organic versus nonorganic marijuana


What exactly does “organic” mean? Organic does not mean the same thing as “natural” even when it comes to the food we eat. To be “natural” means to be free of artificial ingredients and minimally processed whereas “organic” refers to ways of processing food or plants with naturally occurring nutrients as opposed to man-made synthetic chemicals.

definition of organic


“Organic” growing refers to the spontaneous breakdown and absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus potassium and other key plant nutrients from naturally existing composted dead leaves, grass clippings, bat guano, liquid fish or seaweed through natural methods of manuring, composting and crop rotation. The basic philosophy of organic farming is to minimize environmental pollution. Non-organic, by way of contrast, refers to any kind of plant food that has been broken down and prepared for absorption in a laboratory.

The Proof Is In The Pot: How to Grow Weed Organically

Organic growing can be a bit trickier than non-organic growing. Organic marijuana growing requires some knowledge and patience which will produce a superior crop of marijuana. The stronger  the sweet, citrus, spicy or pine aroma from the terpenes of your weed, the more likely your marijuana was grown according to organic methods.

The First Step: Stoner Soil Work

true living organics


You can buy your own pre-prepared pot soils, however organic pot puritans, such as “The Rev,” author of True Living Organics, whose methods have inspired and informed our own, suggests creating your own organic “super soil” to replace chemical fertilizers.

organic super soil


Compost For Cannabis

Skip the store-bought base soil and compost your own from carbon-rich materials, such as dead leaves, straw, plant and tree trimmings, pine needles and nitrogen rich materials such as manure, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable peels and seaweed. Mix your compost heap regularly, especially if you’re not using a compost bin to ensure that the marijuana-friendly microorganisms in your compost heap get plenty of oxygen. You may eventually notice steam rising from it in the morning! Your compost is ready as soon as it’s soft, crumbly, sweet and earthy smelling dark brown or black.

organic compost heap


Make Your 420 Fertilizer

Now you’re ready to mix your homemade organic compost base soil into the ultimate 420 soil fertilizer.

  1. First, spread a layer of your composted base soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae on a large plastic tarp or in a plastic kid’s pool.
  2. Spread 75 kg of rock phosphate, 1/8 cup Epsom salts, 1/4 of cup azomite (trace elements), 1/2 of cup sweet lime (dolomite) and 1 tbsp of powdered humic acid on top of the base soil mound.
  3. Add a new layer of base soil on top of the powdered nutrients.
  4. Now add 1 kg of bat guano and a new layer of base soil followed by 1 kg thick layers of blood meal and steamed bone meal each with layers of base soil.
  5. Mix everything together with a spade then transfer it to garbage cans with 10 liters of water per can and leave your mix to cook in the sun for 30 days. This will allow helpful microorganisms and fungi to enrich the soil.
subcool super soil


You can find and buy most of the basic super soil materials you’ll need at major hardware stores like Lowe’s, Home Depot or at your local gardening center and nursery. You may need to search online and buy certain items such as humic acid and azomite from distributors such as Hydrofarm.

Properly Plant Your Marijuana Seeds

Now you’re ready to plant the seeds in the organic super soil you’ve just fertilized. Soak the seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours, then place your seeds between paper towels until the seeds sprout their taproot. Your seedlings are now ready to be planted.

You’ll want to create a bottom layer of the super soil and an upper layer with more organically composted base soil where you’ll plant your germinated seeds for both indoor and outdoor growing. Planting the seeds directly into the super soil will burn your plants with nutrients. The roots of your plant should not reach the super soil until it is large and hungry.

how to germinate marijuana seeds


How To Create Compost Teas

Compost teas are the organic way to add nutrients to the super soil once your germinated cannabis seeds have grown into strong seedlings. Compost tea can be fed directly to the plants roots to inoculate fungi within the soil. Spray your compost tea on the leaves of your marijuana plants to suppress disease as a fungicide replacement.

organic compost tea


You can make your own compost tea by filling five-gallon bucket with water. Oxygenate it with air stone bubblers and an air pump for a few hours to purify it of chlorine and other contaminants. Then, fill a cotton bag with compost, guano, and a bit of molasses. Submerge and steep the cotton compost tea bag in the bubbling oxygen-rich water for two days. The tea will be most effective for an hour after it’s ready, so make sure to use the tea on the plants leaves and roots as soon as it’s ready.   

hydroponic cannabis compost tea


Advantages Of Indoor and Outdoor Organic Marijuana 

One of the added advantages of using organic compost, super soil and compost teas for growing your cannabis indoors is that it smells better than other options such as manure, which helps eliminate unwanted funky smells in your home.

marijuana fertilizer


Organically growing your marijuana outdoors offers even more advantages if you can do so legally. Dig a hole, both deep and wide, and fill it with super soil and compost which you should turn and mix once a week with a shovel or compost fork. This will allow the roots of your reefer plants to grow large and healthy at very rapid rates without binding to one another. You can reuse the same spot for growing your marijuana year after year simply by refreshing your super soil and compost.

Hydroponic Marijuana: The Organic Way

hydroponic cannabis


Hydroponic marijuana growing is typically an inorganic process in which synthetic fertilizers are added to reservoirs of water as opposed to soil in which the weed is growing. Marijuana roots in these systems typically grow faster, however it comes at the expense of much of the aromatic and euphoric qualities of the cannabis. Marijuana can however naturally grow hydroponically along rivers, swamps or other wetlands. Although they are less common in the cannabis community, indoor and outdoor hydroponic marijuana plants can be grown organically by using a dual root system  of organically fertilized super soil on a top root bed and a lower root bed of water. Aquaponics is a new organic, hydroponic growing method in which fish farms are stacked below the roots of hydro-cannabis trays so that the fish and hydro farms can feed one another.

soil versus hydroponic


Organic Pest Control

It doesn’t matter if you’re working with weed indoor or outdoors, it’s necessary to contend with cannabis eating pests and you’re going to want to avoid using harsh chemical pesticides on your medicine. Spray a mixture of neem oil on the tops and bottoms of your leaves to keep insects such as spider mites, whiteflies, and thrips at bay.

Add The Indispensable Organic Marijuana Ingredient

To grow marijuana the organic way is mostly a matter of soil work, as you have hopefully surmised by now! Mixing compost for soil, making your own super soil fertilizer replacements and your own compost teas are the ABCs of organic marijuana gardening and farming no matter what kind of indoor, outdoor or even hydroponic set up you may be using.

how to love your marijuana


Lastly, your marijuana plants need organic love and affection every bit as much as they need nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. You can organically feed your marijuana love by gently hugging the stalks of your plants, caressing the leaves, talking to the buds and playing your favorite music for them and so many countless other organic marijuana growers do. The mutual love shared between growers and many kinds of plants aside from cannabis have long been known to help people overcome depression and anxiety. This is why working with your weed the organic way will literally give you an incomparable “natural high”.  

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