Cairns-420 AUSTRALIA

October 23, 2019by Lucky Leaf shop

Cannabis Culture: Understanding 420

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  1. Maximum Yield defines ‘cannabis culture’ as a shared set of beliefs, ideals and practices among marijuana enthusiasts. Cannabis culture encompasses the thriving set of beliefs, norms and practices shared by cannabis consumers, both recreational and medicinal, individuals and communities.THC vape juice Australia

The principles upheld as part of ‘cannabis culture’ are not strictly defined. Instead, they take into account all aspects of knowledge and practices engaged in by marijuana enthusiasts. These aspects include;

  • New and healthy ways to consume cannabis
  • Developments in cannabis technology
  • Potential health effects of the substance
  • Cannabis related events and holidays, one of which is the globally popular 420.

Of all cannabis related holidays, 420 is the most popular and widely celebrated. On the 20th of April every year, cannabis consumers and enthusiasts come together in celebration of the psychoactive substance.The best Australia Cannabis shop
While the origins of the celebration are uncertain, there is proof that the term ‘420’ was utilised as early as the 1970s by a group of San Rafael High School friends.Buy Edibles in Australia

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This group of friends were popularly referred to as ‘the Waldos’, a name attributed to their chosen hang-out spot; a wall outside the school.Buy Edibles in Australia
On this day, a wide range of activities are undertaken by cannabis consumers and enthusiasts; both individually and as a community. Whatever the activities may be, 420 is a day that brings members of the cannabis community together. Some of the more common activities at 420 celebrations include;

  • Picnics
  • Get-togethers
  • Public smoking sessions (in countries and communities where recreational cannabis is legal)
  • Peaceful protests in support of the legalisation of cannabis
  • Rallies

Following the legalisation and decriminalisation of cannabis in several countries and communities worldwide, members of the cannabis community have become increasingly vocal in their desire to see the substance made legal.
How is the Climate for Cannabis in Cairns?
The city of Cairns is located in Queensland. It is the fifth most populated city in the coastal state of Queensland. In line with the laws of the nation, cannabis is illegal for recreational consumption in Cairns.The best Australia Cannabis shop
Various states and territories, however, have their regulations on how cannabis-related criminal offences are handled.
In Queensland, illicit substances are classified into schedules. Cannabis is classified as a Schedule 2 substance.
Under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1986, not only is the possession of cannabis a crime but cannabis related paraphernalia can also land individuals in trouble with local law enforcement. This is inclusive but not exclusive to items such as;

  • Bongs
  • Pipes
  • Hemp wraps
  • Guides on growing cannabis
  • Ash trays
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For cannabis related offences, fines and prison sentences can be incurred. Any individual caught in possession of cannabis-related paraphernalia could face a maximum of two years in prison.The best Australia Cannabis shop
If caught in possession of less than 500 grams of cannabis, the maximum sentence applicable is 15 years. Any amount higher than this will incur a maximum sentence of 20 years.The best Australia Cannabis shop
Fines are only issued based on the ruling of a presiding court.
These laws are specific to recreational cannabis. Medical marijuana is legal within the nation but can only be accessed via provisions made by the Special Access Scheme.Buy weed Online Victoria
Cannabis Products you can find in Cairns
By being located in Queensland, the residents of Cairns can access medical marijuana suppliers such as Burleigh Heads Cannabis (BHC). Located in Brisbane, Queensland, BHC seeks to provide time-tested natural cannabinoid medicine to the patients who require these medicines. At Burleigh, there are four main product types available to patients:

Changes in the Perception of Cannabis across the Country
As witnessed over the last decade, Australians have become more receptive to the idea of cannabis use. This is evident in numerous studies including a survey conducted by the National Drug Strategy Household Survey.
In this survey, it was observed that a large percentage of Australians support the decriminalisation and medical use of cannabis. This is one of numerous surveys which show the overwhelming support of Australians for cannabis.
Despite these positive studies, Australian cannabis laws are still lagging behind. On the political front, some politicians – such as Richard Di Natale of the Green Party – have expressed support for the legalisation of cannabis.
On the other hand, other politicians – one of which is South Australian Attorney-General, Vickie Chapman – hold extremely strong aversions to cannabis.Buy Cannabis in Australia
The attorney-general has constantly expressed her desire to increase the punishments associated with the possession of even tiny amounts of cannabis.  It may take some time before the government has a unified approach to cannabis.
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