Australia and New Zealand Approve Hemp Food Sales

August 21, 2019by Lucky Leaf shop

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If you’re new to cultivating your marijuana plants, it can be a little difficult and daunting to choose the right cannabis seeds for you.
With so many factors involved, choosing the right seeds and understanding how to grow them are crucial to the success of your harvest. Buy Marijuana in Australia
After assessing the properties of different types of seeds such as their pros, cons, and limitations, it’s essential to choose quality marijuana seedsto ensure the yield you produce is of the highest caliber.
Don’t worry if you’re a little confused and overwhelmed; we’re going to break it all down for you and help you make an informed decision to choose the ideal marijuana seed for your harvest.

Feminized Cannabis

Australia’s health minister has announced medical cannabis producers in the nation will be able to export products to other countries with federal cannabis programs, according to an Australian Associated Press report.

“By helping the domestic manufacturers to expand, this, in turn, helps to ensure an ongoing supply of medicinal cannabis products here in Australia.” – Health Minister Greg Hunt to the AAP.

Exportation will require a federal permit and is expected to begin in February after parliament resumes and regulations are adopted. The regulations would likely allow exportation of cannabis-derived oils, sprays, tablets, and lozenges.
According to the report, Australia’s medical cannabis industry – legalized last year – is off to a slow start as just 350 patients have been approved to access the program so far.
Hunt said that many in the Australian community are skeptical but that there are “no real government barriers at all to accessing medical cannabis” and the government is working with the Australian Medical Association and the College of General Practitioners “to ensure that doctors have the full information so they can ensure whether [cannabis] is or isn’t in the best interests of their patients.”Buy Marijuana in Australia

“It is up to individual doctors – governments shouldn’t interfere in the prescribing practices of individual doctors.” – Hunt to the AAP

The Australian government’s medical cannabis guidelines, released in December, advise physicians how to effectively use medical cannabis products to treat chronic pain and epilepsy, as well as information on whether patients with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and terminally ill patients in palliative care could benefit from medical cannabis therapies.

Autoflowering Seeds

Autoflowering strains are the product of years of heavy research, experimenting and careful breeding. Unlike feminized seeds, they’re not the result of genetic modification but have taken cannabis cultivation to the next level.
Auto-flowering seeds require minimal effort and still produce an extremely high yield when grown correctly.
To create potent auto-flowering seeds that produce high yields, regular strains of Sativa and Indica are cross-bred with Ruderalis.
The Ruderalis strain originated in the colder parts of the world such as Siberia and China. This environment allowed Ruderalis to evolve and become less dependent on light and more resilient to harsh conditions and terrain.
Auto-flowering seeds have many benefits, making them the number one choice for beginner and expert cannabis growers.  Buy Marijuana in Australia
The advantages of auto-flowering seeds:

  • Harvest all year round: auto-flowering seeds don’t depend on heavy light cycles to produce flowers. This provides a big benefit to growers as they can grow their crops all year round without having to worry about the seasons affecting the success of their plants. Buy Marijuana in Australia
  • Beginners will find this very useful, as they can become more acquainted with cultivating cannabis crops without worrying that their harvest will be unsuccessful.Buy Marijuana in Australia
  • Faster growth: auto-flowering seeds produce plants and flowers very quickly in comparison to other seeds. Consistent production of fresh plants and yields can be done in as little as 10 weeks and still produce the same level of yield as a conventional strain.
  • Discretion: if you’re lacking open space or worried that someone might spot your plants, don’t worry. Auto-flowering seeds don’t grow above 1.2 meters, making them ideal for tighter spaces, stealth and discretion.
  • Resilient: auto-flowering seeds can be grown indoors and outdoors, due to their resilience to the cold and pests. When growing auto-flowering strains indoors, it’s as simple as putting the plants under an 18/6 light cycle.

The Bottom Line

Choosing the right marijuana seeds for your harvest will depend on several factors such as your skill level, the amount of space you have and whether you’re growing indoors or outdoors.
It’s a good idea to assess the type of environment that you’ll be growing your plants in prior to purchasing any seeds, that way, you can ensure the best outcome for your harvest.

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